Love Letter to Myself

Dearest Tariro…

You are my day 1, you and I go way back, even before you were born. I am super proud of the woman you have become. No doubt, life hasn’t been a walk in the park for you. I marvel over and over again at how despite all the challenges that you have faced, you have kept your head high and kept the fighting spirit blazing. I decided to write you this love letter because there are many days that you forget that I love you deeply and unconditionally. There are times you wish other people loved you but today I want to remind you that no matter what, you will always have my love even with all your imperfections. It has always been you and me and it will always be you and me.

I Love Myself, Text, Words, Love, Me, Self, Heart, Red

I love you from the bottom of my heart because of your resilient spirit and soul. Life has thrown you under the bus countless times but you still stand up, dust yourself and face life fiercely. I would never love another being more than you. Indeed, there are many days you struggle loving yourself but I just want to remind you to be gentle and kind with yourself. Always know on those days when you feel worthless, unbelonging, ugly, useless, dirty, trashy, a failure etc that you can always come back to yourself because you will always be worthy in your come back my day 1 and know that you always have strength to forgive yourself and try again.

No matter what, whether you look at life from the east, the west, the north or the south, always be proud of all you have gone through and of the woman you have become. If I must say so myself, you are a warrior and a sheroe in my book. The world has tried to break you into pieces, but girl, you have never allowed it to win. Never be afraid to be your unique self and no one should ever define who you become, or who you should be, except you. I want to remind you today to stop being hard on yourself. You are doing the very best that you can. One day, everything will make sense. In the meantime, just breathe, be patient, be gentle and trust the process.

Darling, you are perfect in every sense. Even though you think that you are broken and irreparable, I want to remind you that there is so much beauty in your pain. You are a survivor, made whole by your experiences. Never give up on yourself, your passions and your dreams. Stop worrying about other people who hurt you because at the end of the day, all you are truly guaranteed is yourself, this you should never ever forget. Know that not everyone you meet in this life is meant to stay forever and that’s ok. You too, will leave other people and even disappoint them. All you should do is to appreciate everyone that has crossed your path and what they have taught you. Always look out for the lessons learnt. Be grateful to the people that have stayed and stood by you always and be sure when you are ready, to fill the spaces of those that have left you. Gracefully let go of people and things that are not meant for you or that have ceased to bring love and peace in your life.

Thank you for never giving up, and like the meaning of your name, never letting hope die and being so tough. You inspire others and you lift them up. If anything, I hope this letter will always remind you how much you mean to me and bring healing when you need it the most. We’ve been there, standing together. Sometimes crying in the shower, sometimes crying ourselves to sleep, sometimes snorting through our nose, but it’s always been you and me. Always and forever…

Love for eternity,


I see you-What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger!!!

Flower, Butterfly, Banner, Web, Internet

Today, I reminded myself that I needed to speak to myself like I would speak to someone I love and care about. I wanted to sincerely check in and ask myself, ‘Are you ok? How are you doing?’ May this also speak to you wherever you may be and whatever you may be going through.May these be words of encouragement that you are not ALONE.

There are times, moments, experiences, that make you question your entire existence and make you question whether your life is worth living and these are times when we need to look within and have real conversations with self.

Its ok not to be ok. Its ok to be hurting. Its ok to feel out of control and Its ok to not have all the answers.

ouch sign

I know right now you might be feeling like you are drowning, like you have been fighting through a storm and as soon as you feel like you are reaching for air, you find yourself drowning in crashing waves again. It doesn’t look like you will ever be able to reach the shore and that’s exasperating.

You might have a million questions without answers ,what when why how did it happen ,some days are better than others. Some days it is easier to accept WHAT IS but on others there are too many unanswered questions and it does get very dark.  I’m just surviving and you probably are in the same boat where you are alive and dragging through the days because there is so  much that still needs to be done by you and so many people banking on your very existence.

I know it’s probably so hard right now. Inexplicably hard. You might be hurting, physically, mentally, emotionally. You may feel alone, misunderstood, unloved. You might question whether this chaotic, painful life is worth pursuing. You might even wonder whether anyone would miss you if you were to give it all up. It may feel like you are living in an invisible war-zone. Life has humbled you in untold ways. You have cried endlessly, be it in your doctor’s office or crying yourself to sleep in your bedroom. And I know, you may even know this is a cross or crosses that will last your whole life. But still you find strength to wake up every day, wipe those tears away and wear a smile that covers that underlying, invisible pain. And for that, I salute you!!!

Breathe neon signage

You might be wondering when the hurt will stop, but it is ok. You probably are confused with the irrational thought patterns. The tears that come and go without reason. The hollow, dark days. The tired days. The shaky, sweaty days. The incessant moments of panic rising up out of nowhere, the rage that takes you by surprise. But it is ok. Breath through the pain. Be gentle and kind with yourself. Take it one day at a time. Forgive yourself, forgive everyone, forgive the Universe-this is the foundation and beginning of your healing journey. Trust me, it is not an overnight process but it sure does get better with time. I believe that at some point, everything just stops hurting and you start living and being yourself again but it takes time and you have to do the work.

You may feel broken today, but I am here to remind us that  brighter days are coming. When night falls, we are guaranteed that the morning will come. Nothing – not illness, not pain, not heartbreaks, not depression, not anxiety – can change that truth. Hope defines you. Love defines you. You define you. You are not a victim. You are a survivor, a warrior. Remember this always, you continue to believe in your own worth even when you feel broken and alone. This is why You are here. You didn’t give up. You keep moving forward. You are so brave to face the pain and see yourself beyond it. I love you unconditionally!!!

white ceramic mug near black-framed eyeglasses

His word tells us, ‘ He heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds. (Psalm 147:3)

  Breathe.  Love.  Laugh.  Pray.  Live. This too shall pass…